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TIPP Eva kommt zurück! / Eva is coming back!

English version below
Na, wer hat sie vermisst? Oder kennst du sie vielleicht noch gar nicht, weil sie schon so lange weg ist und du noch nicht so lange hier? Rodins "Eva" stand über ein Jahrhundert im Foyer des Hauptgebäudes, genauer gesagt seit 1912, bis sie 2016 von ihrem Sockel gestoßen wurde. Lange war nicht klar, wie und ob eine Restaurierung finanziert werden kann. Fest stand zu jedem Zeitpunkt: "Eva gehört zu uns!" Jetzt ist es endlich soweit, heute zieht Eva wieder ins Hauptgebäude ein! Es wird eine feierliche Wiederkehr mit einigen Grußworten und anschließendem Sektempfang geben.

Heute, am 12.12.2018, um 18 Uhr im Foyer des Hauptgebäudes

Wer sich für Evas Geschichte interessiert, kann sich mit diesem kurzen Artikel der Universität einen Überblick verschaffen.

Well, who missed her? Or maybe you don't know her because she has been away so long and you haven't been here that long? Rodin's "Eve" stood in the foyer of the main building for more than a century, more specifically since 1912, when she was knocked off her pedestal in 2016. For a long time, it was not clear how and if a restoration could be financed. It was clear at any time: "Eve is one of us!" Now it's finally time! Today Eve moves back into the main building. There will be a solemn return with a few words of welcome followed by a reception with sparkling wine.

Today, on 12.12.2018, at 6 pm in the foyer of the main building

If you are interested in Eve's story, you can keep reading. We'll give you an overview of this short article from the university for you.

"Rodin's work marks the threshold from the great classical tradition to the modern at the end of the 19th century, he is a major pioneer of modern art and one of the most important artists of his time.

On the initiative of Harry Graf Kessler, a major retrospective of Rodin's in Weimar was already shown in 1904. Then in 1905, the purchase of the bronze sculpture took place the "Iron Age" at the request of Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst. In the same year, Rodin received an honorary doctorate from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena as part of the "Schiller distinctions", to which he gave his bronze bust "Minerva" in homage. It is still in the Senate Hall.

Another gift from Rodin went to the Grand Duke and triggered the so-called "Rodin scandal" in Weimar. When the 14 nude drawings were exhibited in the Art Gallery in 1906, the Weimarer Landeszeitung(regional newspaper) reports on the "low of morality". As a result, Count Harry Kessler, director of the Grand Ducal Museum of Arts and Crafts, had to resign.

In retrospect, it seems all the more courageous that the then director of the university, Fritz Mackensen, proclaimed in 1911 that he had acquired the outstanding bronze "Eve" from Rodin for the hall of his university with the financial support of the Apolda manufacturer Robert Peter.

The "Eve" is part of a major project by Rodin. In 1881 he received the contract for the entrance gate of the then planned new building of a Museum of Decorative Arts for Paris. The 4.50 meter high and 3.50 meter wide gate was to be flanked by the figures of the "Eve" and Adam standing on pillars. From 1880 to 1884 Rodin worked almost uninterruptedly at the gate. Many of Rodin's most important works of the 1880s and 1890s came from "The Gates of Hell" - often as an enlargement of a figure, which he removed from the ensemble. The thinker, Adam and the Eve, received unanimous recognition as completely independent works."


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Eine Antwort zu TIPP Eva kommt zurück! / Eva is coming back!

  1. Adam sagt:

    Ach wie schön!

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