Members present:
Giuliano (protocol)
Benedict (speech line)
Philip Herion
Benedict welcomed all members and guests and opened the meeting.
The meeting has a quorum with seven members present. The protocol is to
7 votes YES | NO 0 votes | 1 vote ABSTAIN accepted.
It will be added to Item 3 of the agenda of the point structure shall have.
TOP 2 reports from the committees
From the Stuko there is nothing to report, it is again met on June 2.
Christin reported from the AS Teaching:
Main discussion point was the change in the Thuringian Higher Education Act, these changes include the following points were discussed.
- Modules are to be completed in the future only with a "check"
- Sample studies for applicants without a university degree
It was further informed that there is a new system for the evaluation of the evaluation forms. These will now be encoded in color.
TOP 3 Others
Results conclave:
The FSR M discusses again the collected themes for the coming legislative. In detail, set with the drive module issue of MK / MW students apart.
Benedict presents the results collected before.
- MK / MG courses are already full so it is difficult to find even for MK / MW places in the events. Besides these, a technical prerequisite is often required.
Suggestion: a larger range of courses, design courses from the MI open and more "Basic" courses for students from other degree programs.
- The enrollment process is not uniform
- Either by mail
- over the metacoon
- or there is no information about the application procedure
- Cancellations for overcrowded classes often come too late
- It lacks a feedback for students to apply for courses
- a lot of overlap with required courses
Suggestion:. Examine better understandings among professors, possibly agreements on timeliness
It is also proposed to amend / update the temporal organization of compulsory modules.
TL; DR -> Offer, registration, overlap
the FSR of M would like to address this issue in the deanery meetings.
Advertising FSR M
It is talked about where and how the images of the current student body to be used.
* There should be a bodies overview with the associated images, may be taken this from Ref dissemination of information.
* There comes a proposal, postings on the Piazza and to make bilingually in the FB group.
* It is also proposed to orient themselves with respect to the M18 page to the structure of the FSR AU.
Problems in the master MK / MG
The FSR M has Philip Herion guest. It will only talk about the commission structure of the university. It involves the participation of students in this body, and the proposal is to a student of the Faculty media in this body. The scope of duties of the commission we have the refinement of the art school. In addition, the point will be discussed, what problems have students in the master, however,
this issue was postponed to the next meeting.
There is debate about whether and to what extent it is possible to offer examination regulations for English master in English.
, it is introduced into the discussion, that the official language is German and so for the University of the documents could not officially be in English. Nevertheless, it is desirable to provide the order as a guide for English-language master.
On this theme, the contact with the ref Bauhaus Internationals to be linked.
Stephanie agrees to cooperate with the authorities referred to, as well as the International Office award.
Structure / process
The agenda added point structure should explain what and from any "point" edit the subjects for the next legislature.
purpose, on the schedule (for now available only as an analog format) listed which are the appropriate points of contact.
Thus, the meeting of the FSR media is terminated dent.
It will be back on Tuesday at 20:00 clock in the m18 line has taken speech Giuliano.
Ps: Digital format will follow shortly ...