
Wahle in Farbe und bunt! — English Version below!

Endlich endlich,info_wahlen14
bunte Kreise!

In vollstem Glanz und maximaler Größe finden sich sowohl die Ergebnisse der Fachschaftswahlen als auch die Ergebnisse der ÖPNV-Urabstimmung als PDF zum Runterladen.

----- NEW: English Version :)

Dear English-speakers, Welcome!

I always wanted to publish English Versions and sometimes you just have to start.We (meaning primarily the StuKo's "PR-Department") have doubled our humanforce by 100% (=now we're two!) and will put our efforts into making everything more understandable for non-german speakers starting...today! Yay!

You'll find the results of last weeks students council-elections and the vote for the train and bustickets downloadable, huge, colourful and shiny!

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