Schlagwort-Archive: minutes

Minutes of the Fachschafts-meeting held on 27.05.2014

Present members:

  • Freya
  • Guiliano (Minutes)
  • Sarah
  • Benedikt (Leader of the meeting)
  • Jonas
  • Isolde
  •  Stephanie
  • Benedikt
  • Franzi
  • Kristin
  • (Johanna)


  • Philipp Heroin

Benedikt starts the meeting by welcoming the members and the guests


 The meeting has a quorum by having 7 present members

The minutes of the last meeting is accepted with

7 votes for YES | 0 votes for NO | 1 votes for ABSTENTION

-        The topic “Structure” is added to the TOP 3 of the agenda

TOP 2 Reports from the committees

-        There are no news from the “Stuko

  • Next meeting is the second June

-        Kristin reports from the committee “Studium und Lehre

  • Main topic was the alterations to the law on higher education of Thuringia
    • Important points which we discussed:
  •  Modules should be completed with only one “exam”
  • Sample studies for applicants without a degree

 Additionally,there is a new system for the valuation of “Evaluierungsbögen” (questionnaires about the teaching methods of our professors). As a reform, they got a coding with colours.


 Results of the “Klausurtagung”

Talk about the collected topics for the upcoming legislative period. Especially, the problem of the practical modules (concerning students of the courses Media design and Media culture) is discussed. Benedikt presents the collected results:

  • Often, the courses are overcrowded, in consequence the students aren’t able to find fitting modules. Another problem is the often ordered specific knowledge.
    • Proposal: larger offer of courses, better arrangement of the computer science courses and more “Basic modules” for students of other courses.
  •  registration isn't standardized:
    • Via Mail/Metacoon or no information about the application
    • Rejection is often too late
      • Missing response to applicants
      • Overlappings with other courses

 Proposal: improved agreements among the professors, perhaps a check for the topicality of agreements

--> TL; DR à offer, registration, overlapping

The FsR M wants to discuss this topic with the deanery

Advertisement FsR M

  • Talk about the usage of the photos which were taken on the last meeting
  •  There should be a committee overview with fitting photos, perhaps this will be a task for the “Ref. Informationsverbreitung
  • Proposal to formulate the Postings for the Piazza and the FB-group bilingual
  • Proposal to adapt our M18- layout to the structure of the FsR AU

Problems in the master course media culture/ media design

  • Therefore, the FsR M invited Philip Herion. The conversation is focused on the committee for Structure of the university. It’s about the participation of students in this committee and it is proposed to send a student of the course media design to this committee. The committee deals with the task of the arrangement of the art college. Problems in the master course are also mentioned, but this topic is adjourned until the next meeting.


  • Discussion about the possibility of auditing regulations in English for master courses held in English.
  • It is mentioned that German is the official language and that’s why it’s not possible to write official documents in english.
  • However, it is desirable, to offer the regulations for orientation purposes.
  • Therefore, we want to establish contact with the “Referat Bauhaus Internationals”.
  • Stefanie takes responsibility for contacting the Referat as well as the International office.

 Structure/ process

  •  The added point “Structure” should clear up which responsible “refuge” should assume obligations for certain topics in the next legislature.
  • Therefore, a schedule is created with fitting “refuges” (until now, it is only given in an analog quality)

 -   End of the meeting. -

The next meeting is set up next Tuesday, 8 ‘o’clock in the M18. Giuliano will take the leadership for the next meeting.

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