Post von den Fachschaften

Protokoll der Fachschaftsratsitzung vom 24.06.2014 / Minutes of the students council meeting 24.06.2014

Protokoll der Fachschaftsratsitzung vom 24.06.2014 / Minutes of the students council meeting 24.06.2014

Present members:

  • Sarah
  • Johanna
  • Kristin
  • Dominique
  • Franziska
  • Louis (minutes)
  • Benedikt (leader of the meeting)
  • Freya (since 21:00)


  • Nele
  • Ramona Schulz

Benedikt opened the meeting by welcoming the members and guests.

TOP 1 Quorum, minutes, applications for the agenda, "Lehrpreis" (upcoming teaching award for the BUW)

- The meeting has a quorum by having 7 present members.

- The topic "Lehrpreis" is added to TOP1, the topics "Report of the "Fakultätsrat"" and "Report of the STEP" are added to TOP2, the topics "Erstiwoche" (first week of first semesters) and "Verteiler" (e-mail distribution list) are added to TOP3 of the agenda

- Ramona Schulz explains about the "Lehrpreis" (teaching award)

Meanwhile the other faculcies have accepted the votum for the "Lehrpreis", the media faculcy is still discussing about pros and cons.

The start of the vote for the "Lehrpreis" should begin at the 10.7. It is a award to honor good teaching and giving the winning module a premium of 1000€ that has to be used for properties for the module in the next semester. There are four awards per year (one per faculcy) and vote will be evaluated by the students coucil which gives a selection of the two best candidates to Prof. Dr. Jutta Emes, who will make the final choice around the beginning of october. The award will be awarded at the matriculation.

The discussion will be postponed to the next meeting of the stundents coucil and it will be mentioned at the next meeting of the StuKo.

- The minutes of the last meeting is accepted with

5 votes for YES, 0 votes for NO, 2 votes for ABSTENTION

TOP2 Reports from the committees

- Johanna reports from the committee Studium und Lehre:

There was a discussion about the equality clause (Gleichstellungsklausel) with a reference to a brochure about gender that will be forwarded to the senat and the faculcies.

The main discussion was about a neutral contact partner for international students ("Ombudsperson") by Dr. Muriel Helbig. This should be a solution for problems that affect the relationship between international students and teaching staff. The structure could be presented in the first week of new students. The students council was wondering if there are overlaps between their function and the "Ombudsperson".

Further other topics and details can be read in the minutes of the committee Studium und Lehre.

- Sarah reports from the StuKo

Main topics were bilingualism, public viewing, STEP, the demonstration for education in Leipzig, the first semester bags, their rules of procedure ("Geschäftsordnung") and their statute. The details can be read in their minutes. The next meeting will be at the 30.6.

- Johanna reports from the Fakultätsrat

All topics can be read in their minutes.

- Sarah reports from the STEP

All topics can be read in their minutes.

TOP3 Other

- Debriefing the meeting with the deanery (with Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziemann, Prof. Dr. Benno Stein):

First of all, the students council appreciated the additional presence of Prof. Dr. Benno Stein. According to Prof. Dr. Andreas Ziemann it's not possible to translate the examination regulations ("Prüfungsordung") due to the official language set by the country. He mentioned another problem concerning international students namely the lecture directory only available in german. In order to solve the problems with the "Werkmodule" there will be a meeting between Prof. Dr. Ziemann and Nathalie Singer and the point will be mentioned at the Fakultätsrat. Main problems were about the application, choices, places and periods.

Further information and details can be read in the minutes.

- Erstiwoche (first week for new students)

There were several problems with the application for tutors, so that the final idea was to applicate again for anyone interested. The bags for first semester students should include similar things as in the last years with a bit of new stuff added.

- Verteiler (e-mail distribution list)

The sorting out seems not to work very well, but can't be handled by the students council.


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