Your student representative – the student convention of the Bauhaus University Weimar

At the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar the students manage themselves. The highest student body is the StudierendenKonvent (StuKo). In 2003, a reform of the student representation took place by means of a strike ballot. The previously known Student Council (StuRa) became the StuKo. Students therefore only elect their student representatives, the StuKo is no longer directly elected. The student representatives of the individual faculties each delegate four of their members to the StuKo. This model is unique in Germany and is only used at the Bauhaus-University Weimar.

To support the StuKo, it receives 13,40 € from the semester contributions of all students. It uses this for student self-administration as well as various projects, the DNT ticket and initiatives. In general, anyone can submit an application for support to the StuKo, which will then be discussed and voted on.

The voluntary work of the StuKo enables students to further develop everyday university life and to contribute their ideas and opinions. All students, from freshmen to doctoral students, can take advantage of these opportunities.

Invitation to our next Stuko meeting:

All Stuko meetings are public. You are welcome to visit us or even suggest a topic. Simply use our EtherPad:

The meetings can also take place hybrid. Simply use the following button to join online.

If you have any questions or problems, just write to us. We help you.

 When: 28th Nov. 2023, 07:00 p.m.

 Where: M18 – Haus der Studierenden                       Marienstraße 18                                             99423 Weimar                                                (conference room)

(To view the names, move the mouse over the image)

From the Architecture & Urbanism Student Council


From the Civil Engineering Student Council


From the Media Student Council


From the Art & Design Student Council


The board of the StuKo is formed by 4 members of the StuKo, each of whom should belong to a different student council. Its term of office, like that of the StuKo and its student councils, is one year.

StuKo board 2023/24 (from left to right): Julia Dahrendorf (architecture & urbanism), Simon Reinhardt (art & design), Rebecca Kelwing (civil engineering) and Alina Lexa (media)

According to the statutes of the student body of the Bauhaus University Weimar, the board has to fulfill the following tasks in particular:

  • Coordination of all StuKo activities
  • internal university representation of the StuKo
  • Preparation and postprocessing of the meetings.

Questions, messages or comments that do not concern every StuKo member or are only important for the board can be sent to the email address

(Please note that all laws and statutes are written in German. We are trying to translate the StuKo’s rules of procedure into English as quickly as possible.)

New StuKo rules of procedure are currently being worked on. It is expected to come into force in November 2023.

Until then, the rules of procedure from 2015 still apply:

Please note that the Rules of Procedure are always considered in conjunction with the following documents: